Industry Vertical Retail

Enormous Retail Solutions are designed to simplify the art of Business Analysis, leading to greater sales, increased profit and improved inventory productivity.

We know that in today’s environment retailers demand more from suppliers, particularly when it comes to management and financial accountability for merchandise programs. While this can be a very challenging prospect for suppliers, we believe it is a tremendous opportunity.

More specifically, we provide manufacturers and retailers an easy to use – yet sophisticated – set of retail analytic tools to manage and study the performance of their items, much like the buyer. Our tools provide advanced functionality, logic and incorporate industry best practices that you can use to assist the buyer, planner and allocator.

We customize solutions based on each organization’s needs – large or small. We offer enterprise applications for companies whose infrastructure can support it, web subscription offerings for sales reporting and strategic or outsourced consulting based on a specific scope of work.

Improve Profitability

Maximize Customer Sales
Reduce markdowns
Reduce out of stock situations
Better plan your merchandise purchases
Have the vital information that you need about your business available when you need it.
Minimize Risks

PCI Compliance and PA DSS Validated Solutions
Secure sensitive customer data breach
Positioning for flexibility to respond to future regulatory and tax changes
Enhance controls and reporting by eliminating paper procedures and enforcement through the software
Enhance Business Flexibility

Have the right merchandise on hand when the customer wants it
Provide speedy and accurate check out
Offer meaningful product promotions
Protect customer’s sensitive information
Keep customers informed and returning through loyalty programs